Service Description
Light therapy is the application of specific wavelengths of light to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The biological effects promoted by this therapy "are related to the decrease in inflammatory cells, increased fibroblast proliferation, angiogenesis stimulation, formation of granulation tissue, and increased collagen synthesis". LED Therapy is also known for its ability to rejuvenate skin, treat acne, decrease inflammation and increase micro-circulation. Blue, red and near infra-red are most commonly used wavelengths in LED light therapy. These specific wavelengths are well reached and scientifically proven to produce therapeutic benefits. Blue penetrates through the epidermis and is known to kill C.acne bacteria. Red reaches into the dermal layer and has been shown to enchase collagen and elastin production through photobiostimulation of fibroblasts. Near infra-red penetrates deepest and increases micro-circulation (tissue repair), decreases inflammation and attenuates pain. The Celluma has been approved by FDA for multiple indications including: arthritis, muscle spasm, muscle and joint pain, muscle tissue tension, diminished local circulation and inflammatory acne vulgaris. The Celluma has 345 light emitting diodes that emit light energy at blue (465 nm), and near-infrared (880nm) wavelengths with frequencies of 80Hz, 680 Hz and 800 Hz respectively for duration of 30 min per treatment.
Contact Details
251 Metropolitan Avenue Suite B, Brooklyn, NY, USA